LeBron in the Dunk Contest?

During All-Star 2009, LeBron threatened to “clean up” the Dunk Contest. He hinted that if the rules were tightened up and he talked some fellow superstars into it, he’d participate. Here’s the thing: sure, LeBron can jump high. REALLY high. […]

10 Things I’m NOT Looking Forward to This NFL Season

While there are countless things that I am excited about for the upcoming NFL football season, there are also a handful of things that I really don’t want to see and/or hear about.  I struggled to come up with 10 […]

Citizens Bank Park

I got to visit the Phillies this past Wednesday for their amazing comeback victory against the Reds. How did the night measure up? +405 ft Home Run It’s not a complete visit to Citizens Bank Park without watching a Phillie smash […]

Top 10 Sports Venue Nicknames

Sports fans have a habbit of assigning nicknames to everything. Players, coaches, even stadiums and arenas. Here are, in my opinion, the top 10 sporting venue nicknames in the U.S. along with a bit of info about each stadium (and […]

10 Rivalries That Are Bigger Than Red Sox-Yankees

Editors Note: I’m happy to introduce a new writer to theSportsGeeks.com. This is Will’s first, but hopefully not last article here, and its very impressive if I do say so myself. -Alex As a Boston Red Sox fan, I was […]

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